SEO 101 Basics Seminar Workshop

Add SEO to your Skills as a Freelancer. Join the SEO 101 Seminar!

In the spirit of bringing back to the community of freelancers, we’re inviting our fellow online professionals to an opportunity to up their skill set! Please join us a for a productive, and educational day of learning: The SEO 101 Seminar.

This seminar will help you:

  • Determine if SEO suits you as a freelancer
  • Define what SEO means
  • Outline basic SEO processes

It will be held on November 12, 2016 (Saturday), from 9am – 4pm. Watch out for the venue announcement.

Register early to get the discounted rates

This seminar is for people with 1-3 years of experience as an online freelancer, and would like to add SEO to their skillset. Ideally, these are people with no prior experience in SEO but have a working web experience on various digital jobs.

This event is brought to you by Manila Workshops. I will be especially collaborating with a successful VA, Entrepreneur, and WAHM coach, Jane Jimenez-Maghanoy. She will be doing the first round of talks in the morning, while I do the afternoon sessions. So it’s going to be a full-packed day. Don’t forget to bring some coffee 🙂

But first, a FREEBIE!

The SEO Starter Kit

So SIGN UP TODAY to reserve your slot

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Romela de Leon-Ortega

SEO Consultant & MomPreneur
With over 10+ years of experience as a SEO and Search Marketing Consultant, I empower brands to develop long-term growth through search engine optimization. I also assist local businesses in launching Adwords PPC campaigns. Huge bias for MomPreneurs, as I am one myself 🙂